How to sell your property without paying any commissions!
All right, guys. Today we’re checking out one of our investment properties. Let’s take a look at it and see how we’re doing.
So in a minute, we’re going to be discussing how to sell this house without paying any realtor commissions. Because, let’s face it, nobody really wants to pay a full 6% or sometimes seven or eight, depending on who you hire. But most importantly, if you’re marketing your property right, and you’re doing a great job, there’s lots of things you can do before you have to hire someone.
And maybe it increases your chances of selling it without having to pay that full commission. But before we get there, I want to show you guys the house a little bit. Let me know what you guys think. We put in a brand new kitchen. The whole thing was gutted out. Hired a designer to come in and redesign everything.
Give us an idea on how to make use of the space. Removed the walls. We raised the ceilings. Giving this whole entire place just a complete fresh, new look and feel. Come on. We’ve got new windows, new doors, new electrical, new bathrooms, new plumbing, raised ceilings, new master, new lighting, and completely redesigned master suite.
This place is going to look amazing.
All right, guys. So I promised you guys, the Top Five ways to make certain that when you decide to sell your next investment property, whether you’re the homeowner or maybe you are the investor, flipping a house, kind of like we are right here. How you can avoid paying all of those hefty commissions.
Number one, use your neighbors. Neighbors are the first people that should know that you’re interested in selling your house.
Why is that? Because they probably know somebody that wants to move to the neighborhood. And many times, they probably want to buy another house in the neighborhood for a family member. A kid who knows? You name it. Neighbors are key. No, we love dropping these coming soon fliers. We just drop them on every house and just said, Hey, this property is coming soon. Looking to buy or sell, call us. The back of it says Pardon our dust. It’s a neat little way for us to just drop something on there. It’s got a QR code so that people can book a time with us. And we’ve actually bought houses with this golden nugget. For those of you out there that are looking to buy more investment property. But most importantly, this is the same way that we’ve brought buyers to the table and have been able to avoid paying a full set of commissions.
Number two, use letters. This is great, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not very personal. So writing a quick letter and sending it out to all of your nearest neighbors is crucial. I like to do something called building a mini farm, which means I send it out to the top 100 neighbors in the neighborhood, just letting them know that the if they’re interested in selling, I’m interested in buying or the other way around that I’m interested in selling. Wondering if they or someone they know is interested in buying. It’s a great way to connect with them as well as let them know what’s happening in the neighborhood. And anybody that reaches out is a great opportunity for you to collect all of their contact information and continue to build those relationships because you never know who is going to want to need to buy or sell and who may need a realtor in the future. For those of you that are realtors that are watching.
Next, I love to own Facebook ads on these properties, but once I get closer to finishing, this property is about 80% complete. We still have all of the finishing touches to do and finish out. But once we get to about 9090 5% running a Coming Soon ad is a great way to let all the neighbors know what’s happening and to keep in contact. Remember that when you stack your marketing so they see your letter, they see your flier on the door, they see your flier on Facebook.
Now you are building credibility. And the more credibility you have, because they see you all over the place, the higher the chance they are of likely trusting you and wanting to work with you.
Last but not least, focus, focus, focus on building that mini farm from the beginning all the way to the end, and collect every bit of information that you can from the people that do call. Because it’s not the first phone call that’s going to make the sale. It’s typically the eighth to 10th time that you’re calling, that you’re asking that you’re following up, that allows you to be able to finally connect with them, maybe catch them at the right time, or maybe that’s when they actually say, hey, I’ve been seeing your ads everywhere. I’ve been looking. I’ve been I actually know somebody that wants to connect with you. Thank you so much for following up with me. The money is in the follow up.
If you don’t feel like doing all of that, or if that doesn’t sound like fun to you, that’s when hiring the right team, the right realtor makes a big difference because building that mini farm, building that campaign, and creating all of that marketing work, that all works together, that’s what brings those high quality buyers and brings you those high quality offers as well.
But hey, if you don’t believe me, try it for yourself and let me know how those things work out for you. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, drop them down below. Alan here. White Picket Realty. We’ll see you guys next time.